
rain rain rain, we love rain, splash splash splash, fun fun fun

have you ever noticed how crisp the air is after it rains? everything seems clearer and brighter and there is a nice moist feel to the ground under your feet.
i just got out of spanish class and it had apparently rained while i was in there, because i emerged from the dark steps of the MP building and was greeted by a clearer sky and brighter feelings. it's funny how much something little and seemingly insignificant like the weather can affect your mood. at least it does for me. earlier, it had been cloudy and overcast and generally dark and gloomy, so it had been kinda gray when i left for class. but within an hour and a half, it changed so much and so did my mood.
i had gone into the classroom nervous and anxious about the writing test, but came out of it relieved and content, as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. i felt so much better and so much more positive about life, and not my usual positive in the fact that i'm positive the world hates me or something as such, but a pure and amazing positive aspect on life. that maybe i'm not going to die alone, and maybe i can be something good in this world. also that maybe, just maybe, i'm not as royally screwed over in life as i thought i was. or maybe i'm just high on endorphins or something. who the hell knows.

*if anyone knows where the title of this post is from, i salute you*

that is all.
data out.

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