
day of labor

I did my NAHS pic yesterday and today, it turned out very nicely. It's posted on artwork area and on my photobucket artwork page.
I have more homework to do still, so I gotta get to that.
I've been updating the site all day today and I'll prolly be working on it again tomorrow. There's no way I can finish all these reviews. grawr.
I was home sick from work yesterday and Friday, so that sucks. No money for me.
my life sux formula:
being sick = no work = no money = no insurance payment = no driving = riding the bus forever = hating school even more
I've been sick for over 2 weeks. I have this horrible cough and I feel just plain crappy. I might be going to the doctor soon. I have days where it seems to be okay, and then later I start hacking and I feel like I'm gonna die.
School has been agony with this damn thing too! I feel so disrespectful when I cough while the teacher is talking, and then I'll get stuck and I start coughing crazily for a minute or two, which lasts forever. The kids around me stare sometimes and I know that some are making fun of me, I've heard them whispering behind me.
that's very pleasant. anyway, i'm off to work on the site some more. pictures are going up, artwork is up now, calendar is done, reviews are coming after pics, and news may be updated in there somewhere.

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