ok, to explain the title, i was on the floor. ulrich helped me up, with, i may add, way more force than i expected from her petite frame. she had a glass bottle in her hoodie pocket. it hit me as i slammed into her from the force of being vertical again. and without considering the other possiblilities of what i could have said, i exclaimed the afformentioned title.
off to work on my portrait project with my very intense coffee. i am drawing ulrich. woot!
data out.
for now.
got the deluxe gold leafed leather bound edition of the best book ever, my bible, HHGG. for 17 dollars....i was astounded. woot woot. and i found a copy of just the first book on ebay for 95 cents so i bought that too. night all.
data out.
data out.
pjs unite
i have declared it pajama day. i have enlisted a few of my friends to follow suit. this should be interesting when we all get to class today. on a side note, at 6pm (est) tonight, the Rayne Summers radio show returns on talkshoe. go to licd.com for more info if interested. they will field questions and it's sure to be a hoot.
i'm sitting here now enjoying my morning coffee and ramen while doing my daily web comic readings. i've started to get into this habit, and i really cant argue with it, it's not unhealthy and it's fun. better for me than smoking or drinking that is.
and lastly, battlestar galactica is an awesome show. hands down. i recently got pulled into the group of my friends that watches it, and i enjoy it. especially the game we have with "frack it" thats always hilarious.
well, that's all for now.
data out.
i'm sitting here now enjoying my morning coffee and ramen while doing my daily web comic readings. i've started to get into this habit, and i really cant argue with it, it's not unhealthy and it's fun. better for me than smoking or drinking that is.
and lastly, battlestar galactica is an awesome show. hands down. i recently got pulled into the group of my friends that watches it, and i enjoy it. especially the game we have with "frack it" thats always hilarious.
well, that's all for now.
data out.
layout work
so i've been working with the layout recently and i hope to get something even better going on with it soon enough. and i missed work yesterday for the fact that i was feeling awful and still tired when i woke up, and even after a nap i was still tired and then my stomach hurt insanely. so that sucked a bunch, but i'm feeling better even though i'm still tired and generally just blah.
going to eat some food now...mmm..quesadillas....
data out.
going to eat some food now...mmm..quesadillas....
data out.
slow motion, see me let go
currently, the sky outside has turned to a lovely slightly cloudy gradient of royal blue to a deep crimson at the horizon (or in the words of 3eb "a most beautiful ruby red"). i was given the opportunity to witness this beauty for a few moments on my break from class just now. i needed a break from the assignment and i wanted a breath of the chilly april air. i actually finished my paper for english today before i even went to spanish, so woot woot! i chose a surprising topic and wrote an astounding 6 pages on it...well over the 4 page minimum. so back to the grind of class again.
data out.
data out.
new gadgets
sorry i havent been posting much i've been a bit insane recently. i worked all weekend and allowed time slots for my other job, but i wasnt needed there, so i had a bit of time where i just sorta laid around and felt depressed or tired. friday was the thirteenth and would have been my and brad's eighteen month anniversary. i was doing well all day b/c denny was trying to keep me happy and keep my mind off of it. but that got shot to hell when brad texted me....but enough angst and depression.
i've discovered some really cool progs for mac:
- google desktop
- sticky windows
- cunning fox
- filegazer
you can learn about them and download some at
food time.
data out.
i've discovered some really cool progs for mac:
- google desktop
- sticky windows
- cunning fox
- filegazer
you can learn about them and download some at
food time.
data out.
zippity do dah zippity day, negros are inferior in everyway
animation....is weird....
i'm not racist.
that is all.
i'm not racist.
that is all.
rain rain rain, we love rain, splash splash splash, fun fun fun
have you ever noticed how crisp the air is after it rains? everything seems clearer and brighter and there is a nice moist feel to the ground under your feet.
i just got out of spanish class and it had apparently rained while i was in there, because i emerged from the dark steps of the MP building and was greeted by a clearer sky and brighter feelings. it's funny how much something little and seemingly insignificant like the weather can affect your mood. at least it does for me. earlier, it had been cloudy and overcast and generally dark and gloomy, so it had been kinda gray when i left for class. but within an hour and a half, it changed so much and so did my mood.
i had gone into the classroom nervous and anxious about the writing test, but came out of it relieved and content, as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. i felt so much better and so much more positive about life, and not my usual positive in the fact that i'm positive the world hates me or something as such, but a pure and amazing positive aspect on life. that maybe i'm not going to die alone, and maybe i can be something good in this world. also that maybe, just maybe, i'm not as royally screwed over in life as i thought i was. or maybe i'm just high on endorphins or something. who the hell knows.
*if anyone knows where the title of this post is from, i salute you*
that is all.
data out.
i just got out of spanish class and it had apparently rained while i was in there, because i emerged from the dark steps of the MP building and was greeted by a clearer sky and brighter feelings. it's funny how much something little and seemingly insignificant like the weather can affect your mood. at least it does for me. earlier, it had been cloudy and overcast and generally dark and gloomy, so it had been kinda gray when i left for class. but within an hour and a half, it changed so much and so did my mood.
i had gone into the classroom nervous and anxious about the writing test, but came out of it relieved and content, as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. i felt so much better and so much more positive about life, and not my usual positive in the fact that i'm positive the world hates me or something as such, but a pure and amazing positive aspect on life. that maybe i'm not going to die alone, and maybe i can be something good in this world. also that maybe, just maybe, i'm not as royally screwed over in life as i thought i was. or maybe i'm just high on endorphins or something. who the hell knows.
*if anyone knows where the title of this post is from, i salute you*
that is all.
data out.
in the news
Sex in our schools
so this is insane. sohmer comments at licd.com:
i figure that's enough sad on that, and i don't really feel like commenting much on it, it's just the fact that ten year olds should NOT have sex! ok. that's all on that.
and in honor of easter:
Cadbury Pimp
so amazing.... i wanna do it now... hehe 10000 calories...
so this is insane. sohmer comments at licd.com:
I believe that in today's ever increasing competitive environment, it's not as easy being a kid as it maybe once was. I believe that children are indoctrinated at a very young age to plan and obsess about their future, whatever that may be. I believe that from out of the womb, they're forced into a situation where they need to work hard, study hard, to get the good grades, to get into the good colleges, to get the good jobs.yay sohmer, co-creator of Licd and the brilliant Rayne Summers
Being one who believes strongly in hard work, part of me applauds this mentality, and this driving force that's being instilled into the next generation. I'd much rather see them struggling to become tomorrow's lawyers, doctors and comic strip writers than waiting at the welfare office for a check.
That said, I also believe quite firmly that kids should have the opportunity to be kids. At 10 years old, they should not have to spend 8 hours in school only to be followed by another 6 hours of homework. They should be able to play, to go outside, to hang out with their friends, waste hours on stupid video games, find out what happens when you down 5 pixie sticks in a very short amount of period, build forts, discover the joy of Lego, watch Lord of the Rings and all 6 Star Wars in one sitting…
12 year olds should not suffer from stress. They should be kids. They should play.
While being overworked and overburdened is a massive issue, it's not really the one I wanted to address today.
Sean was kind enough to send me over this link to a CNN Story that I somehow missed in my hourly trolling. He was curious as to what I thought about it, as someone who may write/talk about sex from time to time…very rarely.
And my thoughts?
(Please note that I generally am of the mind that using coarse language frequently is a sign of a poor vocabulary, yet I do think it serves its purpose well in the following sentence.)
I think its fucking twisted.
11 year olds having sex is a product of a diseased society, of a society where parents are not spending enough time with their children, where sexual education is severely lacking in the bible thumping states, where the so-called tween celebrities consist of Paris Hilton, Linsday Lohan and the always wonderful role model Britney Spears.
The real issue here, folks, is that kids are growing up too damn quickly.
11 year olds should not be having sex. They should be kids. They should play.
With their clothes on.
i figure that's enough sad on that, and i don't really feel like commenting much on it, it's just the fact that ten year olds should NOT have sex! ok. that's all on that.
and in honor of easter:
Cadbury Pimp
so amazing.... i wanna do it now... hehe 10000 calories...
well the foggy feeling has returned once again. i'm not sure how it went away before exactly, it just kinda fixed itself, so now i'm screwed once again. i think i have a spanish test in 3 hours and maybe an online chat due...i have no idea....damnit. i'm sitting in the commuter lounge at school and there has not been a single person who has talked to me this whole time. i passed by a group of people at the grill and realized that it was a group of practically everyone on my floor, and none of them said hi. none even looked at me, so i kept walking. i ate by myself, then relocated and now sit typing and drinking my raspberry tea, alone. wow. that sounds really depressing. the microwave makes very annoying beeping sounds and is loud enough for me to hear while over 25 feet away. of course, so are the people that are gathered and talking about 15 feet from me. how can people work here, honestly, i just dont get it. one guy, the only one i know just wandered away from the group and onto the elevator...interesting...he didnt even say goodbye to them. but this isnt really his normal group, so i suppose he feels a bit like me when i'm with the patapsco group. well i should head back to my room, as there is no one here of interest to me and i need to charge my now dead phone, since i couldnt charge it while passed out in denny's room last night...yeah definitely fell asleep watching tv and woke up at like 915 this morning...brilliant... so now i must take my leave. i'll be going to the gym later hopefully and maybe tomorrow too, considering i wont have time on weekends anymore. alright, thats it, i'm done. data out.
quote of the moment: it's fine, just don't make fireballs in the commons
quote of the moment: it's fine, just don't make fireballs in the commons
south park
so this was interesting. all this time i've watched south park and never knew that they actually kept such a tight schedule. it's kind of amazing when you get right down to it. the people must be hard workers and prolly get paid sooo much money for that kind of schedule and amount of work. and the fact that they are aired the day they're delivered..wow... so that explains some of the crappier episodes at least. they never have time to think of anything. but when they get a good one, man they do it right. and to get it all done, they use macs. awesome. they certainly are more reliable in that department at least. yay for macs. they dont crash when one app goes down, just the app gets restarted b/c it's based on unix/linux. taht's why they switched. the animations are still retaining their old style though and they have to make it purposefully jumpy now instead of making the transitions and movements smooth. thats sounds crazy, but it keeps the original feel of the construction paper cutouts. thanks to south park studios for all their hard work. they truly have affected america in a unique way. they've been creating for 10 years and they're still going strong, here's to 10 more years! Thank you SPS. Thank you for all the laughs. Keep up the good work.
so this was interesting. all this time i've watched south park and never knew that they actually kept such a tight schedule. it's kind of amazing when you get right down to it. the people must be hard workers and prolly get paid sooo much money for that kind of schedule and amount of work. and the fact that they are aired the day they're delivered..wow... so that explains some of the crappier episodes at least. they never have time to think of anything. but when they get a good one, man they do it right. and to get it all done, they use macs. awesome. they certainly are more reliable in that department at least. yay for macs. they dont crash when one app goes down, just the app gets restarted b/c it's based on unix/linux. taht's why they switched. the animations are still retaining their old style though and they have to make it purposefully jumpy now instead of making the transitions and movements smooth. thats sounds crazy, but it keeps the original feel of the construction paper cutouts. thanks to south park studios for all their hard work. they truly have affected america in a unique way. they've been creating for 10 years and they're still going strong, here's to 10 more years! Thank you SPS. Thank you for all the laughs. Keep up the good work.
I'm home for easter today and won't be back to school til later tonight. Happy Easter to everyone, and if you don't celebrate just because you're not christian or whatever, well, neither am I. Please don't knock people's practices regardless of their religion, it's really not a big deal and we're all just human. We may have different beliefs, but we're all inherently the same. So whether you hold an egghunt, dye eggs, eat ham, go to church, or nothing at all, enjoy this day of rest and try to appreciate the peace of one ot the few days like this we have. Happy Easter all.
finding the light
so i'm in class now and so ecstatically bored. i'm really tired and still completely out of it. for some reason i've been in this complete fog recently and i burst into a bout of tears today which started in spanish class. as always, i was trying to pay attention but both the overwhelming desire to fall asleep and my headache were both making it impossible..... and now i cant remember what i wanted to say b/c i actually started partially contributing to the class discussion.....and now it's break...i go outside...
i walk from the classroom, not truly knowing where i am intending to go. i pass through the doors into an abnormally chilly april night. i've come outside to escape. to escape the darkness. the fog. the overwhelming pain of monotony that i am continually forced to swallow. i walk out into the darkness, but i feel the brightest i've felt all day. the chilled night air caresses my skin as i wander mindlessly away from the building. i look up into the sky and realize how small and insignificant i truly am in this world. how little my problems really are compared to the rest of the world. the galaxy. the universe.
i realize how unrelentingly pointless my life has become. i want to search for a purpose. something i can do to change the world. something to change at least my portion of society. something to change myself. i stand in the night, staring at the sky, uncaring of the people around me slowly filing into the same night as i stand. but it's not the same night. not at all. they talk on their phones and smoke their cigarettes and never consider what may be happening around them. i'm in my own little world here. i stand alone here with no one but the voices in my head to keep me occupied. but i dont need them. i need something more. i just need to find what that is. i need to figure it all out. i must find what i have always searched for. it's out there. i know it. i can feel it.
i stare off into the night for a few moments more before realizing where i have stopped. i am standing under the only lamppost that is not lit. the darkest space of night in this portion of campus. i realize the irony here and start to laugh at myself. at my life. at the world. of all the lights that exist in this night, i find myself unknowingly beneath the single and solitary light of darkness.
the one thing i had been looking for when leaving the building - light - not necessarily physical light, but spiritual and emotional, a figurative light. i was searching to find a brighter patch of space than i have inhabited all my life. though i have now found myself under a lightless lamp, i have found a significantly brighter place for my heart and mind and soul. i have spontaneously found the unexpected, though i've searched for it so long. i found it right when i had almost given up hope. right at my last escapade for the light.
i smile to myself and walk back inside the building, feeling the best i have in a long time.
i walk from the classroom, not truly knowing where i am intending to go. i pass through the doors into an abnormally chilly april night. i've come outside to escape. to escape the darkness. the fog. the overwhelming pain of monotony that i am continually forced to swallow. i walk out into the darkness, but i feel the brightest i've felt all day. the chilled night air caresses my skin as i wander mindlessly away from the building. i look up into the sky and realize how small and insignificant i truly am in this world. how little my problems really are compared to the rest of the world. the galaxy. the universe.
i realize how unrelentingly pointless my life has become. i want to search for a purpose. something i can do to change the world. something to change at least my portion of society. something to change myself. i stand in the night, staring at the sky, uncaring of the people around me slowly filing into the same night as i stand. but it's not the same night. not at all. they talk on their phones and smoke their cigarettes and never consider what may be happening around them. i'm in my own little world here. i stand alone here with no one but the voices in my head to keep me occupied. but i dont need them. i need something more. i just need to find what that is. i need to figure it all out. i must find what i have always searched for. it's out there. i know it. i can feel it.
i stare off into the night for a few moments more before realizing where i have stopped. i am standing under the only lamppost that is not lit. the darkest space of night in this portion of campus. i realize the irony here and start to laugh at myself. at my life. at the world. of all the lights that exist in this night, i find myself unknowingly beneath the single and solitary light of darkness.
the one thing i had been looking for when leaving the building - light - not necessarily physical light, but spiritual and emotional, a figurative light. i was searching to find a brighter patch of space than i have inhabited all my life. though i have now found myself under a lightless lamp, i have found a significantly brighter place for my heart and mind and soul. i have spontaneously found the unexpected, though i've searched for it so long. i found it right when i had almost given up hope. right at my last escapade for the light.
i smile to myself and walk back inside the building, feeling the best i have in a long time.
New Pic, New Work, New Ideas, New Resolve

So here's the pic for me, what you expected a real picture of me, of course not! Hehe. I hope to start drawing more and maybe draw my own avatars.
I'll work on this for a bit, then I'm off to class.
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